Saturday, April 5, 2014

Arlington Dog Park

We once again visited the Arlington Dog Park after Renee and Scott played softball.  Hundreds of dogs, and B-Man was right in the center of the action.

The park is long, about a half of mile or so and follows a stream.

When you first enter the park the dogs are all full of energy and there's lots of action.  You can see who's right in the center of it.

The drinking fountain is at about the half way point and by this time the dogs are slowing down...most dogs!

The stream is fenced in, we didn't let Baily jump in.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that is the most exciting dog park I have ever seen! Cannot believe the crowds! Baily must have been exhausted - which is probably a good thing since you are heading home! Love the zoo shots, too! Sorry, but also excited for you two to be heading home - should be warming up there! Our spring birds are starting to appear - the red wing blackbirds have been very vocal today! See you soon!
