Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter Walks

One of the joys of winter here is to take long walks on the frozen lake.  It gives you an entirely different perspective of the shoreline; you see many natural features and structures that go unnoticed when traveling the lake by boat.  Baily loves it.  He has free reign and wanders far and wide.

For added traction on the ice we have "diamond ice grippers" that fit over the soles of our boots.  Work really well, got them at Cabella's

There's about 4" of fluffy snow on the ground so the walking is pretty easy

Baily checks out anything sticking out of the ice.

A snow squal blowing across the lake; Baily is right off the point of our bay going out into the main part of the lake.  We get lake effect snow from Lake Superior just about every day.

Baily checks out the ice fishermen off in the distance.

Likes to run

And he always leads the way home

Life is good

Friday, January 11, 2013

School Daze

Baily began an 8 week obediance class in Minocqua this week. Here's some pics of his first day in school. There's about a dozen dogs in the class.

The traditional first day in school shot.

Registration and meeting the classmates

One of Baily's new found friends

The classmates are amazingly attentive given they don't speak English

Macy trains Baily to heel.  Baily trains Macy to provide lots of treats if she wants cooperation

Baily continues Macy's "provide treats" training

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Baily joined us at Karyl and Doug's for New Years this year. Baily, Daisy, and Scout all got along well and, as we frequently say, "A good time was had by all!"

Daisy with Karyl
Didn't take long for Baily to make himself at home.
A dog's life, always on the wrong side of a barrier
Daisy sharing her water with Baily
Best time of the day...belly rubs