Saturday, November 29, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

The Shaw's joined us this year for Thanksgiving at Heather and Frank's.

Getting ready for some outdoor fun before dinner

The calm before the storm

Frank's maiden voyage as a turkey carver.  He aced the task despite all the cooks in the kitchen.

The kids' table.  Baily spent the day at the kennel...he would have loved the kids' table!

The adults' table.  Heather put out a great spread.

Macy has this sitting in the soup pot as I type.

The traditional post dinner bingo game

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fun with Delaney and Beckett

Brief visit with Delaney and Beckett.  Saturday we were on the go.

First stop was the Hartford library for story hour.

Craft project time

They're turkeys if you need to ask

On to the Retzer Nature Center where the demo animals were on display.  Laney and Beckett got their own personal show. This is a young bull frog.

Two of these guys are Bonnie and Clyde
Clyde I believe
Rat Snake.  Non poisonous,  but they do eat a mouse whole once a week.

A White Collared Dove, not native to North America, but the kind most ofter used by magicians.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nuff Said

The first 3 shots were taken Sunday before the storm arrived.  The last three today, after 15" or so.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

More DC Photos

A few more pics from our visit with Lucas, Renee, and Scott.

Lucas and Doug are the best of buds.

Lucas loves stairs, here we're at the Jefferson Memorial

Tidal Basin

At the Franklin Roosevelt memorial...with Fala

The relatively new MLK memorial, also on the Tidal Basin.

We were fortunate that one of the Honor Flight groups were visiting the WWII Memorial while we were there.  The flight was from California.

Here's the whole group including their escorts.

The Capital dome is being can see the scaffolding

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bluemont Visit

Sunday we visited Bluemont vineyards, the location the Renee and Scott's wedding was held.  Jo and Bill Lamp joined us as well.

The tasting room is at the top of the mountain and is a great place to socialize and enjoy Bluemont's great wines, cheeses, and baguettes.

The building below is where the wedding was held.

Afterwards we returned to Renee and Scott's where Scott prepared a great prime rib dinner.


The day started with pumpkin carving

And a steady stream of monster cookies fed into the oven

Lucas wanted a truck on one pumpkin, Renee gave it a go. (it looks better at night!)

Lucas got into the Trick or Treat routine real fast.

Doesn't every kid do this?  Counting and sorting the stash.