Sunday, April 29, 2012

Visit to Washington

We spent 4 days in Washington visiting Renee, Scott, Caya, and Cooper.  The weather was cooperative and a good time was had by all.

Doug had told us about the Newseum.  It's a great museum.  This is a shot from the museum balcony looking down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Macy made a quilt for Lucas.
Weather was great, we were able to enjoy the outdoors.
Scott got the garden started, just one lonely lemon though
We went to the Bull Run battle field for our Civil War fix
The dogs got to solve a puzzle, here Scott is setting it up.
Under the cups are dog treats, they have to move them into the right slots to get the treat.  It didn't take long.
As usual, we ate well
Sunday before we left it did rain, so we played a board game.  Renee had the German version of this game so there was a clear home court advantage.

It was tough to leave

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Landscaper Is Done

The landscaper is done working their magic, and we are very pleased.  Now we need to get the grass growing and start phase 2...which is us taking it all a step further.  Such things as bird feeder sites, plantings, the asparagus patch, martini glass resting spots, raised beds, paths, and some open space for the rain gauge.  Here's some preliminary shots.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Landscaping Progress

Our landscaping work is already over half done.  Really pleased with the work so far, it really changes the whole appearance of the house.  While the landscape team uses several tractors and other mechanical devices, it still comes down to "grunt" work, shoveling, wheelbarrows, and moving very large rocks.  Several rocks have gotten away and rolled down the hill; permanent, new barriers for croquet.  Here's some progress shots...more to follow.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


All I asked for was a smile.  Beckett and a hard boiled Easter egg.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Landscaping "Before"

When we moved in late last October it was too late to begin the landscaping we needed to do.  With our sandy soil and all the rain we had last summer and fall, we had a lot of erosion and badly in need of retaining walls.  The load limits placed on the secondary roads here during the spring thaw have been lifted, 6 weeks earlier than last year, and our landscape project is scheduled to begin tomorrow.  Here's the "before" shots.  We'll keep you posted.

Friday they delivered the raw materials.