Sunday, October 28, 2012

Baily Expands His Domain

Baily continues to expand his "realm".  He's actually been quite good, no "in house" accidents in over a week and he's starting to learn a few commands.(along as there is a treat involved)  He'll be staying with the breeder for almost 2 weeks as we head out to visit Lucas and family, and then hook up with Karyl and Doug in south Florida.  We'll certainly miss him.

He loves the sand pile down by the lake.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pine Siskens

Pine Siskens are not long term residents here.  Based on observation to date they pass through; staying about two weeks in Spring and Fall.  They're here in big numbers now, primarily feeding on Niger seed.  No doubt the Redpolls will be here soon...winter.  Also saw three Evening Grossbeaks at the feeder, first I have seen here in over 20 years (Jane got photos of some this summer).  Highly eruptive, an amazing bird.  Unfortunately when I got my camera they were scared away by of all things a Pileated Woodpecker.  Birding life is good!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Visit with Beckett and Delaney

Spent a couple of days visiting with Beckett and Delaney.  Here's some pics.

Beckett tried on his Halloween costume...T-Rex.  He's totally into T-Rex.

Delaney has become quite aware...6 weeks

Beckett wasn't quite sure what to think about the pumpkin carving

And Delaney could care less.

Makes it all special

Baily at Two Months

Well, the pup has totally ingrained himself into our lives.  What more can one say?

Going to try and keep taking this shot to document his growth.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Well we finally got over with the fact that Smudge was a "one of a kind" dog who couldn't be replaced, and decided the time was right for an addition to the family.  After much research on Macy's part we decided on a Labradoodle.  Baily was born on August 13 and we picked him up last night.  Lots of change in the last 24 hours for the little guy, but he's doing fine, and follow's Macy everywhere...and he poses for the camera.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Parade of Beef

See the previous post first.  The parade is the highlight of the day.  All the competitors parade their roast down the main drag.  Crowd is now well primed, many have pitchers in hand not just mugs.  A small contingent of the UW marching band lead the way.  Save the date...last weekend in September, you're welcome to join us!

Where's the Beef?


Beef-A-Rama is an annual event (48 yrs) held the last weekend in September in Minocqua.  Follows the Wisconsin plan for community gardens open at 10 am, beef gets served starting at noon, parade at 2 :30, awards, more beef, more beer, music, etc.   Local merchants compete in a beef roast competition.  Main street is closed off, the cooking begins.  By the time of the "parade of beef" a good time is being had by all.  Macy, Jane, and I went this year, a good time was had by all.  Here's the pre-parade activities...parade post to follow.

Big time grilling, over 10,000 attendees this year

Judge's make the rounds along Main Street.  Jane was not a judge, just a critic.

Grilling roasts for the masses.

Since the beer gardens open before the beef is served guidance is needed.

Let the beef begin!

Main drag is closed off and the crowds are huge.

Wisconsin "artists" do their thing.

Yes, there were Packer fans there too.