Monday, March 10, 2014

Up And At Em!

One of the nice things about being retired is that losing an hour when you move to Daylight Savings Time is no big deal.  You just push the day back an hour.  Here's some shots from our day on Sunday.

A big breakfast on Sunday is a long standing tradition.  There's one in there for Baily...and he knows it!

Off for our morning walk on the beach

This is Hunter, one of our neighbors dogs, telling Baily to enjoy the walk and wishing he was joining us.  Everyone has a dog.

Crossing the dunes to the beach.

As is usually the case, not many people on the beach.  This is looking east as we step out from the dunes.

Looking west toward the cape.

They're everywhere!  We love it.

This is at the entrance to the harbor at Port St. Joes, ten miles from where we are staying and the closest town.  Piggly Wiggly, CVS and Ace are all a McDonalds that serves their spicy chicken wings.

The marina at Port St Joes

1 comment:

  1. Wow - OK - I am glad you finally posted - I was feeling a little left out the past few days! Looks like you have your daily routine all laid out - hope you will be able to eke out some time for bridge! See you very soon!
