Monday, December 30, 2013


Looks like short walks for Baily today...

Christmas at the Goehlers

Went to the Goehler's house for Christmas day.  Lynne was home and we got all caught up on the wedding plans.

A Christmas tradition, Jane and John served prime rib

John was glad to have something else under the knife.

Nap Time

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Fun with Baily

Dogs like to be part of the family, and Baily is certainly no exception.  He was right in the middle of things as we had fun with Delaney and Beckett.  Baily was not a happy puppy when it was time for them to leave.

Dancing to "Bop Till You Drop" on YouTube.

Delaney and Baily are the best of pals.

Getting in a few zzz's was tough to do.

That doesn't look like a chew toy that Baily has.

Christmas...Bah!   Humbug!

Baily's favorite game...Catch Me If You Can

We counted up the list twice, it was close, but Baily got a Christmas gift.

Christmas with Mom and the Shaws

We celebrated an early Christmas with Heather and family, my Mom is up for a week as well.  Here's some shots from the day we opened presents.

Let's get ready to rumble!

Mom got an iPad

Beckett and the Monster Maker

All ready for New Year's Eve pot banging

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

World Traveler

Ordered a Macbook for Christmas and are tracking progress.  Amazing journey, it's supposed to be here Monday, guessing next stop is Memphis.  Here's the Fedex tracking...
Travel History
12/12/2013  -  Thursday
3:40 pm
Arrived at FedEx location
12/13/2013  -  Friday
3:06 am
In transit
2:39 am
In transit
12/12/2013  -  Thursday
7:58 pm
In transit
7:01 pm
International shipment release - Import
4:20 am
At local FedEx facility
12/11/2013  -  Wednesday
10:30 pm
At local FedEx facility
1:55 pm
Left FedEx origin facility
12/10/2013  -  Tuesday
8:48 pm
Shipment information sent to FedEx
12/11/2013  -  Wednesday
10:20 am
Picked up

Just Chillin

Feeder Friends

Had a couple of interesting visitors at the feeder outside our bedroom window.  Taken through a window with a screen so not the best shots.  While we've often seen fox around never by the feeders.  Macy also spotted an ermin the other day as well.

Another rare sight.  A Pileated eating at a seed feeder.  This  mix contains nuts and fruit which is probably what he was after.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lucas at 17 Months

Lucas is a bundle of joy, always quick with a smile, and a great disposition.  Here's a few other pics from our visit.

At Bluemont Santa was there to visit.  Lucas showed no fear and was quite fascinated.  I'm sure next year he'll have a list prepared.

Grandma make him a nice big stocking to hang over their fireplace.

Every step is an adventure.  We visited a local public farm where you could visit with all the various farm animals.  Highlight for Lucas was trying to jump down this stair.

Bluemont Vinyard

The day after Thanksgiving we went up to the foothills of the Shenandoah Mountains and visited Bluemont Vinyards where Renee and Scott were married.  We had soup, chilli and cheese along with lots of wine, and also had a pleasant surprise as you'll see in the pics that follow.

The Bluemont tasting room where we enjoyed several bottles of their excellent wine.  Renee's niece, Ellie, also joined us. (She's drinking root beer.)

View from the tasting room down the mountain to the building Renee and Scott's wedding reception was held in.  Bluemont's grapevines have now matured to the point that all their wines are made from grapes grown onsite.

Some groups enjoyed their wine and the view outdoors (it was in the 40's).  This group was well prepared with warm coats and blankets.

So I'm waiting to use the restroom and take a look at a display advertising that Bluemont hosts weddings.  I notice that one of the people in the wedding shots looks like Ken Agress, Renee's dad...and he's looking at someone who looks like Renee.  Duh, it was, they were using two photos from their wedding in the display.  We got some pics and Renee tried to get a free bottle of wine.  Didn't work, but it was a very fun moment.

Thanksgiving Dinner in Virginia

We spent Thanksgiving with Lucas, Renee, and Scott.  Thursday they hosted ourselves, Renee's brother, Gordon, and his two kids;  her cousin Christie, her husband and step-daughter, and a friend of Renee and Scott's, whose husband is in Afghanistan, and her 3 young children. Based on food consumption a good time was had by all.

Scott prepared two turkeys.  One on the grill using the rotisserie.

The other he did in the smoker, both were great.

Kitchen was a beehive.

Christie's husband, Mike serves the wine.

Lucas was the first through the line.  Turkey, sweet corn, and Macy's appricot dish were high on his list.  Cranberries not so much.

The teen and tweens.

Renee hosted the smaller kids.

And the rest of the crew.

Afterwords we had pie, drank wine, and chilled.